Wednesday, July 29, 2009



有人说:“大学是人生最美的日子”。我想要把这句话变成事实,好像没那么的容易。刚刚看了Jovan Facebook 里的照片,发觉,原来我这半年里好像失去了很多很美的回忆。看着一张一张他们一起出去的照片,真的好像成为他们的一分子。也许我就是那么的爱拍照!可是现实中也好像同样的出现两个字“牺牲”。我能考到好成绩,因为我愿意牺牲。牺牲这些跟他们出去游玩的时间,牺牲。。。牺牲。。。为了成绩。。 好像真的牺牲了很多。。。

虽然我知道,相片可以再拍。甚至赚到了钱,可以到世界各地去游玩,拍照。。。可是感觉还一样吗?而我,又真的能够这样吗? 一切好像都还是未知数。真的不知道我先在做的是对的吗。。累了。。 不想了。。。神,请你告诉我,什么是对什么是我应该做的。。

冬假快放完了,又是时候提起书包上课了。如果你问我是否期待,我想我需要老半天的时间来回答你的问题。 期待什么?紧张什么?希望什么?我似乎也不知道了。心里只知道一个事实 - 我要把书念好。现实的社会 - 强者生存,弱者淘汰。这是天塌下来也不会改变的事实。 为有努力,成为强者。不管你累不累,强者永远是你要做的。

漫长的冬假,留在回忆里的,只有学生志愿团和一个上天的恩赐。学生志愿团,也是时候画下完美的句号了。 这个志愿团体,让我的冬假变得更有意义。帮助需要帮助的人,总比待在家好吧。认识了好多好多的朋友,可以说比半年在澳洲还多。说真的,还蛮高兴。

可是,今天我突然觉得原来前些日子的感觉是假象。今天,我本来就没打算去志愿团体帮忙,毕竟我也累了,比别人付出的更多,休息似乎变得理所当然。可是,还是去了一下。可是这一下,让我的心觉得好冷好冷,冷到连冬天的太阳也无法暖化。走来走去,老半天,坐下来和他们聊天,好像都在敷衍我而已。心真的有点痛,有点失望。昔日建造的友谊好像变得好假。。好假。。虽然我相信这些友谊是真的,可是为什么我的心总觉得被冷落?就连我自己也不懂,当然也不要求正在读的你懂。一路走回来,风,在我身边静静的吹,真的很舒服,很自在。风,抚摸我的心灵。真的很舒服,很舒服。感谢上帝给我的一阵风,那很舒服的一阵风,净化我心里的烦恼。风, 我爱你!

今晚,我被邀请去参加他们的派对。说实话,我还蛮想推掉。可是,推得多,有好像有点不好意思。不推,有好像有点勉强自己。所以。。一个两全其美的办法 - 我会去探班! 他们总说不懂为何我都推掉他们的邀请,而我可以说得只有 - 你们不够了解我,不懂我心里的负担,不懂我的困境。说多了,好像也变得口头禅。解释也变得不那么的需要了。 一切随缘吧~~~

今早,Winnie姐致电叫我星期六去试镜,做个DJ。老实说,我真的很开心。可是,多愁善感的我,往往在开心的背后,想了很多很多。做了这个DJ,我能够兼顾我的功课吗?做了这个DJ,会影响我的什么?不过现在一切还是言之过早啦。 不过,为了寻找到我的伯乐,我想唯有一试!谢谢,Winnie姐!

昨天,去了一个我想去很久的地方 - 柏斯动物园。真的很开心。拍了好多好多的照片~~~帅帅的!哈哈。。原来,有时候做动物也蛮好的,什么都不用想,什么都不用烦,多好。。。


好了!累了!说完我的心里想的,心好像也不再那么的沉重。 舒服多了~~~

Thursday, July 23, 2009







Tuesday, July 21, 2009



I have started this blog with a chinese idiom. I really couldnt get another other idioms that will suit this blog better than that.

The main character for today is EDMOND CHAIN - a cute, handsome, friendly, nice persona friend! I met him through Facebook? Haha.. Let's talk about history.

I have met him since I was small. His parents are my parents' business partners. He had come to my house when he was small and so do I. But now, we have grown up. We couldnt recognize each other anymore. Haha. So, how could I recognize him at last? Through his blog's photos. I saw the photos of his parents... Anway Uncle.. that is what I used to call! Haha..

Throughout our chat, something out of my expectation happened! He seems like got the same interests, same attitudes, same character, same dreams, bascially.. almost same in everything! Same soul in different bodies. This is what he said. Haha.

God must be kidding with me. I have been searching for friends who can understand the bottom of my heart, but i got it just like this chinese idiom...蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处. I really dont know how to express my feelings at this moment. But anyway, it is a great news!

I hope you wont feel annoyed reading this blog as it is written in both languanges.I really feel extremely suitable for me to apply this two idioms at this moment.

Anyway, all the best and take care!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sharing ^^

Hey guys! I am back. Sometimes, I am wondering whether my blog is being read. Please do leave a comment for encouragement. Haha..

Firstly... wow.. so formal man.. I would like to proudly annouce that I am going back to my hometown on 1 Dec 2009. So excited for it man! Althought still got one more semester to go.. Be patient.. Oh yea.. I still remember Alison teased me for it because I said that I didnt want to go back in the first place.. But I felt extremely excited when I knew that I could go back! Haha.. Anyway, I have spent RM 1500 for my air ticket.. Muakakaka

Let's talk about my bio clock again.. I guess I have adjusted it back. I am a normal person now.. Sleep during the night time.. and work during the day time.. "Credit" thanks to the volunteer programme.. Because it is not paid.. as I got to wake up early in the morning to go for it. Haha.. May be that's what Jovan said.. We are those people without life.. Volunteer programme is everything for us during the winter break.

It is really quite bore and enjoyable sometimes.. In short.. it depends.. When someone approaches you and enquiries about some matters, it is quite enjoyable. I am proud for being such a knowledgeable person. Haha.. Dont laugh at there though! However, you can just see the flies flying around sometimes... Try to imagine today.. There were 10 volunteers to 1 new students.. Oh gosh... But i know our hectic life is coming soon.. Looking forward to welcoming it! Oh yea.. I should take some photos right, shouldnt I? Will post in the facebook soon!

Lately, I have rewatched all those TVB dramas that I watched when I was small. I like the background music. As far as I am concerned, I felt that the background music for those new TVB dramas are not that nice IF you compared.. but the effects still there.. Sometimes, I really think that those actors are so professional.. They can put their feelings without the help of the background music. Oh yea.. something just came across my mind.. Australian Talent Management just called me few days ago. They requested me to shoot for some photos so that they can show my photos to those model or actor agency when it is requested. Well, if it is free, why not? But, there isnt any free lunch in this world. So, in other words, my dream continues to delay.. Haha.. I am alright though.

That's all for today. Wish you guys good luck in your studies and all the best!


Friday, July 10, 2009

OMG.. My Bio Clock !!

It is 5.46am now. Wow, you will for sure feel that I woke up so early right.However, I am sorry to inform you that you are WRONG! Haha.. The fact is I havent gone to bed yet. My bio clock has turned upside down since the winter break started. I slept at day time and stayed up late at night time.

I am currently enjoying my seven weeks winter break. Sounds nice right? In fact, it is so bore. I got nothing to do actually. Sometimes, I wish the next semester will start tomorrow. But at the same time, I am worry that whether I am able to do well just like what I did in last semester. Opss.. Forgot to share with you guys a good news.. I got a High Distinction for my foundation unit and Distinction for the other 3 units. It is considered as good but i think it can be better. I really wish I can maintain this results for the rest of my university life. I really so happy when I recieved my result. I felt that all my hardwork is paid.

I am getting excited when time goes. I am going to join a volunteer programme next week. I am still wondering how it will be. I am going to help those newcomers to settle the problems they are facing. Haha.. Am I able to do that? Tell you guys something secret.Till now, I didnt even take a chance to explore my campus thoroughly. Haha.But I believe I still able to help them. Never underestimate my own abilities!

My sister is currently facing some problems in her studies. I just helped her to figure out a solution last night. Sincerely wish that she able to cope with it and enjoy the remaining of her secondary school life. Of course, I wish my efforts will put her into a better situation. Nothing much to share about in this case.. Privacy!

Ohh.. ya.. Before I forget, I fall in love with an idiom recently. It is quoted from the Burning Flame III --- Out of difficulties, makes miracle. Doesnt it sound good to you? Haha.. Just face the difficulties bravely.

Ok, that's all for the post today. Good luck and take care.
